Bjørn Arne Lindsteth

Professor, KBM-NMBU, Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskapelige universitet

Bjørn Arne Lindsteth

Professor, KBM-NMBU, Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskapelige universitet


Diploma of Chemical engineering (Høgskoleingeniør), Østfold college of engineering (ØIH), Sarpsborg, Norway. Bachelor’s (Cand. mag.), The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway. Institute of Chemistry. Master’s (Cand. scient.), The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway. Institute of Biology and Norwegian Defence Research Institute (FFI). Ph.D. (Doctor philos.), The Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway

Main work experience, Senior scientist, -head of DNA-laboratory/Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI)/Norway. Head of Gene technology section/Akershus University Hospital HF/Norway. Research director/Lovisenberg Diaconal University College/Norway. Currently Professor/Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)/Norway

Also published 72 international peer-reviewed scientific articles.

All sessions by Bjørn Arne Lindsteth